written by Skottie Young
drawn by Humberto Ramos
colored by Edgar Delgado
It's hard to believe it's been over a year since I reviewed Volume I of Marvel's teen book Strange Academy, and indeed I had to double-check to make sure I hadn't made a mistake. It has, in fact, been over a year since I gave Strange Academy Vol I a glowing review, and in that year I've struggled to find Volume II. Oddly enough, I found and read Volume III first, before I finally was able to track down a copy of Volume II. It wouldn't feel right reviewing Volume III first so here I go with Volume II.
Following the cliffhanger at the end of Volume I, in which one of the students at the Strange Academy dies, it's resolved pretty quickly. Spoiler alert: the student in question gets better. After that there are quite a few traditional school activities, like a Family Day in which some parents prove to be competitive than others, and a field trip during which one of the students discovers another's dark secret. The volume ends with a two-parter in which the secret behind of the students' magic is discovered, and it is a frightening secret indeed.
There's no overarching plot that ties the next six issues together, the way there was in the first volume, but now we get to know some of the kids in the class a bit better. While one could argue that some of the archetypes play out in a predictable way, overall Skottie Young's storytelling still works, though I feel some other characters could've had their moment in the spotlight as well. As it was, well, the six issues contained in the volume still devote most of the story to the main characters like Emily Bright and Doyle Dormammu, with Iric Brorson of Asgard and Calvin Morse briefly getting the spotlight as well. I guess they had to focus a bit to make sure the story stayed coherent.
I wasn't as gobsmacked by this compilation as I was by the first volume, but it was an engaging read nonetheless. Young and artist Humberto Ramos maintain their storytelling mojo and really bring these characters to life, even as some get more attention than others. There's a cameo by a fan favorite character than plays out pretty darned well.
It may have taken over a year to find this book, but it was worth the search.