Saturday, October 28, 2017

Masterful Distraction: A Review of Daredevil #28

written by Charles Soule
drawn by Ron Garney
colored by Matt Milla

Just when it seems that Matt, having been lured his former protege/sidekick Blindspot lured to China to sacrifice to "The Beast" which is apparently the god of the ninja clan The Hand, appears to be stuck up a creek without a paddle, Blindspot finally decides to grow a conscience and help him out. The real drama, however, awaits when Matt finally gets home; something deeply shocking has happened.

The real purpose of this arc, which wraps up quite nicely, becomes evident on the very last page of this issue, and it's a doozy. It's distinctly clever how Soule, following Matt's landmark Supreme Court victory, managed to take him off the proverbial chessboard while a seismic status quo shift took place. I dare not say more, lest I spoil the issue's big reveal (though Marvel's marketing department has done a pretty good job of that all on their own).

I still think Soule gave Sam Chung, aka Blindspot, short shrift in terms of this brief arc, but at least we got a glimpse of his origin, and Sam gets a nice little monologue at the end of the story. I'm glad this wasn't his swan song; Matt will definitely need him around in the months to come, what with this crazy new situation.

Garney and Milla turn in good work here, and I'm honestly a little sorry that they won't be around for the next big arc, though I suppose that, having relaunched this book in 2015, they'll be here for the landmark 600th issue.


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