Friday, December 29, 2017

Coming Home: A Review of Runaways #4

written by Rainbow Rowell
drawn by Kris Anka
colored by Matt Wilson

As the first story arc of the revival of the Runaways comics series nears its conclusion, things take an abrupt left turn as a most unexpected character makes a decision that shocks nearly everyone else, possibly including most readers.

The newly-reassembled Runaways (Nico, Chase, the time-displaced Gert, along with the, um, silent head of Victor), having failed to recruit Karolina Dean, who is happily enrolled in college, pay a visit to Molly Hayes, only to find her nicely-settled in at her grandmother's house, something readers have known for a few issues now. Understandably, Molly isn't keen on leaving with them, considering that unlike the time that Gert was yanked out of, these days there's nothing to run away from. Gert has a bit of a heart-to-heart with Molly's grandmother, whose murderous daughter and her husband were members of the Pride, the criminal organization who were actually the Runaways' parents and who met their grisly end several years ago. Things don't quite turn out as planned.

Resurrection of a dead character, by one means or another is such a well-worn story trope over at Marvel that it is genuinely refreshing to see Rainbow Rowell's take on how a resurrected character, in this case Gert Yorkes, adapts to her new lease on life. Having failed to convince Karolina to leave her new life behind, Gert, in her effort to lure Molly away, comes across as desperate and, later broken. It's interesting reading, although it's clear that Rowell is far from done with this story; there are surely twists in store, and I'm eager to see what they are. It was also nice to finally see one of the returning team members putting in some face time. To say more would spoil a pleasant surprise. I know this story is setting up at least another six issues, but for once, I don't mind. Such is the case when the story is as well-put together as this one is.

Finally, Chris Anka knocks yet another issue out of the park. These two really are a fantastic creative team, and this book looks the best it has since the days of Adrian Alphona. I can think of no higher praise.

Anyway, I know there are only two issues left in this story, but I'm hopeful they'll be good ones!


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