Thursday, September 5, 2019

Savoring Spencer's Superior Spidey Streak: A Review of The Amazing Spider-Man #28

written by Nick Spencer
art by Kevin Walker (pencils) and John Dell (inks)
colors by Laura Martin

Nick Spencer's three-and-bit issue story featuring the all-female "Syndicate" comes to a close with a number of humorous revelations for the characters involved, and yet another unexpected team-up for Spidey following his already cringe-inducing team-up with supervillain Boomerang.

I quite liked how this arc shaped up over the last few issues, and I'm happy to say that Spencer ends it on a high note, pretty much banishing the bad taste that "The Hunted" left lingering in my mouth. This was a story full of humor and heart, and even though Spidey took a bit of a backseat here to characters like the Beetle, her gang and Boomerang, I surprisingly didn't mind. I quite liked Boomerang's zingers, and I have to say my curiosity's been piqued by his killer revelation about why Kingpin has it in for him, one which Spencer is keeping from us readers for the time being.

It helps, again, that Kev Walker and John Dell deliver some really strong art to wrap the issue up. If these guys aren't going to be the regular artists on this book, I hope they at least rotate every now and again with whoever is coming on board.

I know we only have a few issues left before Spencer unleashes his next big story arc, and while I'm still a little nervous about it considering what a hash he made of his grand Kraven story arc, smaller arcs like this have me cautiously optimistic for what the future holds.


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