Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Ed's BACK! A (Super-Late) Review of The Amazing Spider-Man #36 to 38

 written by Zeb Wells

penciled by Ed McGuinness

inked by Mark Farmer, McGuinness

colored by Marcio Menyz

After teasing readers yet again with the possibility of Norman Osborn returning to his evil ways as well as the distinct possibility of the death of the widely-despised character Paul, the Spidey brain-trust bring back another of their heavy-hitters, Ed McGuiness to help readers forget for another few issues how they've screwed Peter Parker yet again.  Together with Zeb Wells, McGuinness spins a tale woven from the events of last year's big Spider-Man crossover Dark Web, involving a character introduced in that story, the comedic character Rek-Rap, a comical but well-intentioned demon who idolizes Peter Parker to the point of assuming a twisted, Bizarro-like version of his Spider-Man identity.  

Rek-Rap's antics in the world outside of limbo get him into a fair amount of trouble, much to the annoyance of the Queen of Limbo, Madelyne Pryor, who dispatches Spider-Man to bring Rek-Rap in, and someone else as well. This time, however, Rek-Rap may be onto something as he finds himself investigating a series of mysterious kidnappings, which might actually have a connection to Peter Parker himself. Beware the wrath of Re-Po!

Yes, that's literally the name of this new villain whom Wells and McGuinness have introduced. It is as groan-inducing as much of this run has been, but fortunately McGuinness keeps the story afloat with his lively visuals as usual.  This story is meant to whet the reader's appetite for the upcoming "Gang War" event that follows it, but in truth I could have used less "Gang War" foreshadowing and much more McGuinness goodness.


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