Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Why I'm Glad It's Almost Over: A Review of The Amazing Spider-Man #55

 written by Zeb Wells

drawn by Emilio Laisio

It figures that just after the story that has had me hanging on to this book despite how many of its plot developments have made me want to just drop the book like I have nearly every other title I once collected, Marvel would come up with a story reminding once more just why I have lost interest.

Long story short, Peter Parker goes on a date with some girl who works at Ravencroft Institute. The date is threatened when Rhino and Screwball run by and Peter very nearly leaves to suit up as Spider-Man, but when he realizes he wants his date to go well, he decides to just talk Rhino and Screwball down instead, and he goes back and enjoys his date.

It's yet another badly written installment in the ongoing idiocy that is Zeb Wells' clumsy attempt to enforce Marvel editorial's wishes that Peter Parker and MJ should remain separated.  Peter going on a date with yet another character that Wells and editorial crapped out feels like yet another ham-handed attempt to get us used to the fact that he and MJ are done and that we'd better get used to the notion to that she'll be staying with Zeb Wells' avatar from now on. 

Well, sorry, I don't feel like moving on, and this issue made a pretty poor case for Peter "seeing other people" because it was a lousy story from a lousy writer.  It was crap, in short.  I really can't wait till Zeb Wells is gone from this book.  


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