Friday, May 27, 2016

Quick Looks: All-New, All-Different Avengers #9

written by Mark Waid
drawn by Mahmud Asrar
colored by Dave McCaig

After the crossover event "Assault at Standoff Hill" which included two issues of this title, the book goes back to solo mode with this issue, as the All-New All-Different Avengers (sans Captain America and Thor) receive a very special visitor: the Wasp! This is not quite the Wasp we all know, though she is still a Pym. Also, Kang's not quite yet done with the Vision, as some quirks left behind in his programming prove to be quite the menace. Finally, Nova's dad is still lost in space, and the team resolve to help Sam find his dad.

I consider myself a fan of this series and while the first arc had its faults, it was still a solid read. This issue manages to maintain that standard somewhat, but is still a little low-key. Waid's not quite firing on all cylinders like he was over on Daredevil (and is in Black Widow, which he's co-writing with artist Chris Samnee), but this is still a perfectly respectable issue, and a very neat done-in-one of sorts as well as it introduces the new Wasp in a full story replete with two epilogues, the second of which sets up the next few issues.

Mahmud Asrar is back after series co-artist Adam Kubert took over for two issues, and man oh man, this guy has yet to disappoint. I am looking forward to the story arc that is set in space because I imagine this guy will be turning some outstanding work for those issues. My hopes are high.


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