Friday, December 16, 2016

Censoring Art: A Review of Daredevil #14 (Mild Spoilers)

written by Charles Soule
drawn by Ron Garney
colored by Matt Milla

The "Dark Art" storyline comes to a head as Daredevil tracks down the serial-killer/artist Muse, who has taken Sam, his protege/sidekick, to his horrific hideout where he keeps the discarded bodies or body parts of his aborted "works of art." Daredevil engages him in a fight, but not before he inflicts grave injuries on someone. The Inhuman police force shows up and a tense confrontation follows.

I suppose it was inevitable that a story that had as good a build-up as this did would be a let-down somehow. There are only so many ways a murder-mystery thriller can play out, after all, and it turns out Soule chose one of the less cathartic, decidedly more anticlimactic ones. I can't go into this much further without spoiling how the story ends, or doesn't end, but suffice it to say I found the ending less than satisfying if logical from the point of view of serialized storytelling.

Still getting here was reasonably fun, and the issue promised a much stronger ending than it delivered. Perhaps what made things particularly sad was that, as much of a letdown as the ending was, I could see it coming from a mile away.

This was not Garney's strongest issue in this story arc, but he finished off well, before he's off on yet another break while another artist takes over for the next story.

This hiccup notwithstanding, "Dark Art" is still, for me anyway, Charles Soule's strongest story arc so far, and if there's one consolation I have from this non-ending of sorts, it's that Soule may yet have plans for the characters involved.


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